WOW... could Genode use Wayland Over Wire?
Peter Lindener
2016-02-11 03:47:12 UTC

I just took note that Wayland is on its way to inter-operating over the
network <http://blogs.s-osg.org/wow-wayland-over-wire/>..

Norman and the other Genode system architects, may request some adjustments
to what/How WOW will become...but it sure seems like the time to see if
Genode might be able to utilize WOW for it's remote, graphics display..

Then if would be great if Genode's graphical config tool, were
arcitected such that the GUI interaction code is partitioned from theGenode
configuration business logic, such that one can also travel much lighter
when configuring light-weight embedded systems perhaps using TMUX for
terminal interaction <https://tmux.github.io/>..

I'm not sure what the final analysis will be on how Genode's existing
GUI server will in the end relate to how things are apt to be done in
Wayland's WOW api..
.. it would be great to hear more thinking here as to how Genode might best

all the best
