Menno Valkema
2016-04-13 12:42:09 UTC
Hi Everyone,
Can we expect the packet streams to deliver packets in order to the
other component as a FIFO? Thus: can we expect the packet submitted
first, to be delivered first at the other component? Also when bursts of
packets are send through the packet stream?
Thanks, Menno
Can we expect the packet streams to deliver packets in order to the
other component as a FIFO? Thus: can we expect the packet submitted
first, to be delivered first at the other component? Also when bursts of
packets are send through the packet stream?
Thanks, Menno
Cyber Security Labs B.V. | Gooimeer 6-31 | 1411 DD Naarden | The
Netherlands |
Cyber Security Labs B.V. | Gooimeer 6-31 | 1411 DD Naarden | The
Netherlands |